2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Owners Manual

2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Owners Manual - Halo ladies and gentleman, welcome to Owners Manual blog. You are now reading the info about 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac .  Here, we provide to you the link to download or buying this car's manual book. But in this case, we strongly recommend you to read the review first.

What is the consumer reviews for the 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac according to edmunds?

Bought this truck a year ago and had nothing but problems. First the battery needed to be replaced a week after I bought it. I had to replaced a hose that was causing my engine light to come on 2 months after I bought it, it was figured out after two appts at the shop. My back driver side door does not open from the inside, I have to let everyone out by opening their door. My ABS kicks in when it should not kick in causing me to spend numorous visits to the mechanic. Turns out, I have to spend the big bucks and take it to the Ford dealer. Lastly, which is not diagnosed yet but I've been told my alternater needs work. It just never ends with this truck. 

Favorite Features
Sun roof after I learned how to close it without wind coming through. Back sliding window.

Suggested Improvements
Get rid of the noise issue underneath the vechicle. Sometimes it sounds like my truck is 120 years old. My only other suggestion is to buy a different vehicle.