2002 Ford Taurus Owners Manual

2002 Ford Taurus Owners Manual - Halo ladies and gentleman, welcome to Owners Manual blog. You are now reading the info about 2002 Ford Taurus.  Here, we provide to you the link to download or buying this car's manual book. But in this case, we strongly recommend you to read the review first.

What is the consumer reviews for the 2002 Ford Taurus according to edmuds?

This car went to me from my grandma and I couldn't be more happy with it! Honestly, I had considered selling this car at first (with the few miles and its good condition, it could get a good price), but after a year of owning it, I must say, I couldn't get rid of it now. My younger sister loves going for rides my car, and I became so attached to it that I even gave it a name! The only issue I had was an antifreeze leak because my grandma barely ever drove it, so most of its nine years of life was spent in the garage; and the gas gauge isn't entirely correct, but other than that, no major problems. Great, reliable sedan; I recommend it for almost anyone.

Favorite Features
It drives very smooth, the sound system is awesome, and my friend -- a GM person at heart -- admits the Taurus is a nice ride. A sleek, attractive exterior, in my opinion (much nicer than its 1999 ancestors), beautiful metallic paint, and a sheltered life has kept the headlights sparkling clear.

Suggested Improvements
All I would change is the CD player - wish it could play more than one disc at a time, but I believe there's an upgrade for that.